Sunday 22 March 2015

My amazing Frozen birthday party!

It was two days before my actual birthday but it was a beautiful, sunny, Spring afternoon in Earsdon and we were gathered in the community centre with my friends & family to celebrate me turning 5. As all the mums & dads took their seats us kids were busy playing with the balloons scattered around the hall when all of a sudden, there was knock at the door...

"Do you wanna build a snowmaaaaan?", cried the voice on the other side of the door. I recognised the voice, but it couldn't be... could it? It was!

It was Princess Anna & Queen Elsa! And they'd come all the way from Arendelle to come to my birthday party!

They explained they've travelled here especially to come to my birthday party and Elsa gave me her coronation crown as a special gift! We all got our faces painted before we sat round in a big circle and started playing some party games.

Then a big snowball fight broke out! Anna and Elsa were even throwing snowballs at each other!

Elsa then realised in all the excitement she'd lost her glove! We all hunted round the room frantically trying to find it - we didn't want everything to be turned to ice...

Luckily the glove was located and we were able to continue. Phew! Anna and Elsa started singing and asked us all to sing along. We sang all the favourites from the film and even had some snow fall when we sang Let It Go!

I'm totally harmonising with Queen Elsa here!

We needed a little bit of a rest after all the singing so Anna and Elsa sat us all down to read us a couple of stories. One was called, "A Sister More Like Me" which taught us that even if we're all different from one another that's a good thing. It's what's different about each of us that makes us all special.

And Anna & Elsa brought me some special presents for my birthday; some lovely colouring pictures, a tiara, some lip gloss, as well as some ear rings. So thoughtful, those two! :)

Anna and Elsa even brought my my birthday cake and sang me Happy Birthday, before I blew the candle out. This was the best day ever!

Lovely to have the chance to have some photos taken with my new best friends!

After we had a chance to have some nice photos taken with Anna & Elsa we headed next door to have some party food. We had some special treats lined up including some gorgeous cup cakes that auntie Kirsty made.

We even had snowman arms, snowman noses, snowman buttons and snowballs, as well as bottles of melted snowman! And not forgetting nanna's lovely sandwiches, and Dot's scrummy sausage rolls! What a treat!

Unfortunately it was soon time for Anna and Elsa to head back to Arendelle but they just had time to drop in to wave goodbye, and before they left I brought them a cup cake each, and a bottle of melted snowman for their journey home.

It was so lovely to see Princess Anna and Queen Elsa and it was incredible that they could make it to my birthday party! At times I felt a bit overwhelmed I think but they made me feel so special! A day I'll never forget! x

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