Thursday, 31 December 2015

New Year's Eve: good bye 2015 & hello 2016!

It's New Year's Eve and Lori and I are starting to get excited for the celebrations! Daddy arrived home from work in the afternoon and so we quickly got ready and headed out on the Metro to Newcastle to see the New Year's Eve parade: Wild Beasts & Dark Streets!

It was fantastic! We stood amongst the crowds that lined Northumberland Street waiting for the parade to start, and when it did it was well worth the wait. There was a precession of models and characters slowly making their way along the street as everyone clapped and cheered. A cauldron of spitting fire, followed by wire & paper models of various creatures punctuated by groups of local children dressed in various costumes. Once the last creature passed we made our way up past the library to John Dobson Street where we waited for the fireworks to start!

We didn't have to wait long; dead on 6 o'clock, and right from the first sparkly rocket, the Newcastle night sky was lit up in a majestic pyrotechnic display! It really was the best fireworks display I've ever seen and there were plenty of smiling faces all around gazing up at the show!

Once the fireworks finished we were off back to the Metro to get our train home and settle down for the night, waiting for 12 o'clock! We had some tea, watched the TFI Friday New Year's Eve special, before daddy flicked over to Jools Holland as the hour approached.

Bang on midnight we watched further celebration on Sky News as London ushered in 2016 in style with what certainly was a rivalling fireworks display! Daddy poured us all a small glass of champagne (thanks Auntie Sue!) as we all wished each other a Happy New Year, but it wasn't long before my eyes closed on another great year! It was a long day but a very memorable one!

Happy New Year everyone! x

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